Compliant Use of Digital Channels and SoMe in Pharma

Learn how to make compliance and engagement go hand in hand in your digital interactions with healthcare professionals and patients

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29 Apr 2025

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6,700 DKK ex VAT

(app. 901 EUR ex VAT)



This one-day course is designed to help pharma companies and pharma employees master their use of social and digital media in a compliance perspective both related to disease awareness and medicine information – for example:

  • What is the company’s responsibilities in relation to user comments on social media and how are they managed correctly?
  • What is an employee in a pharma company allowed to do?
  • What can a pharma company and its employees gain from being active on social media?

To make the course as relevant and directly applicable as possible, we work based on real-life use cases and dilemmas on social and digital media, e.g. Facebook, LinkedIn, Youtube, and TikTok in addition to websites, webinars, and emails to HCPs.

At the course, we take you through the regulations and industry specific guidelines that govern digital communication in pharma. In addition, you will learn from peers in other pharma companies, who will share real-life use cases from their work with digital channels and social media.

To gain the greatest benefits from the course, we recommend that you complete the e-learning course “The Danish Pharmaceutical Industry's Promotional Code” in advance.


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    Other course participants say

    "The topics on the agenda were very relevant for me and all the lecturers were very competent, inspiring, and delivered more than I had expected."

    Helle Knokgaard, Customer Engagement Manager 

    "I recommend this course, especially to a colleague who doesn't have much prior knowledge of pharma and compliance rules."

    Emilie Lund Egsmose, Senior Advisor, Advice A/S

    "The course is a great introduction to compliance for new employees in the industry."

    Morten Gottlieb Jensen, Associate Brand Lead, Cardiovascular, Bristol Myers Squibb

    "The cases and decisions reviewed were relevant, and the two presentations were thought-provoking. I’m definitely taking some of these ideas and approaches with me."

    Albert Andersen, Marketing Graduate, Boehringer Ingelheim Danmark A/S

    "This was the best, most informative, and most hands-on course I’ve ever attended. There was a lot of useful information that I could immediately start applying in my daily work. And it was great to have cases from other companies."

    Elisa, Marketing Coordinator


    • Digital channels
    • Social media
    • Rules for use
    • Interaction with healthcare professionals

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    Course leader & lecturers

    • Elisabeth Gammelgaard Ludvig
      Course leader

    Watch the video

    Is this course for you?

    This course is relevant if you need to know regulations and guidelines for the pharmaceutical industry’s interaction with HCPS and patients via digital channels and SoMe.

    It is especially relevant if you work with corporate communication, compliance, marketing, and sales of Rx medicine.

    What you will learn

    1. Knowledge of the laws and regulations you must take into account when developing a digital media strategy for a pharmaceutical company, for a drug or a disease area
    2. Understanding how to legally use digital media in your information about and marketing of drugs to different audiences via ads, websites and social media
    3. Concrete examples of how other pharmaceutical companies work with social and digital media in a compliance perspective

    What your company will get

    1. An employee who can ensure that the company's use of digital marketing channels is in accordance with the applicable rules and regulations in the industry.
    2. An employee who can assess and avoid potential compliance challenges in the company’s use of digital and social channels.
    3. An employee who can confidently navigate on social media and digital channels  in a compliant manner.

      Course calendar

      29 Apr 2025 9:00-16:00
      Day 1
      • Welcoming participants and exploring their expectations of today's agenda.
      • Essential rules in relation to pharma companies' use of social and digital media.
      • Case work on compliance challenges based on real life examples and legal decisions as well as ENLI’s decisions.
      • Pharma employee on LinkedIn: how do you gain visibility and relevant contact with physicians and nurses?
      • Using digital channels in communication with HCPs to support diabetes care.
      • Take home messages and evaluation.

        Practical information


        Registration deadline
        28 Apr 2025
        Lersø Parkallé 101
        2100 København Ø
        29 Apr
        Sometimes things change. This is the expected programme.

        Course information


        Prior to the course you get access to mandatory and/or optional readings via your personal Atrium log-in.


        There is no examination for this course.

        This course is a part of a diploma

        Diploma in Marketing Compliance

        Through the Diploma in Marketing Compliance, you will get an in-depth understanding of the rules and regulations set by both the authorities and the pharmaceutical industry in Denmark and Europe, making you sharper and more effective in your daily work

        Read more

        Course leader

        Elisabeth Gammelgaard Ludvig

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        Want to know more or need help?

        Contact Client Manager Ida Salicath at +45 39 15 09 46

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