Pre-launch and Post-launch Marketing Compliance

Keep your launch activities towards HCPs and patients compliant

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20 May 2025

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6,500 DKK ex VAT

(app. 874 EUR ex VAT)



What is defined as advertising when engaging HCPs? Where and when is communication with HCPs at risk of being non-compliant advertising for a soon-to-be-launched Rx medicinal product? How do you work in a compliant way with influencers/3rd parties? In short: what is legal and compliant?

All these considerations are important when preparing your pre- and post-launch work.

Regardless of whether you’re working in Medical Affairs, Market Access, Commercial, or another part of a pharma company, all the organisation’s activities and dialogues with HCPs, patients, and payers must comply with
• Danish law and industry ethical codes on advertising for prescription medicinal products
• HCPs’ association with pharma companies.

Are your activities legal and compliant? 

Join this one day course for a compliance check of your activities and dialogues with HCPs, patients, and patients’ associations – before and after launch.

But it's not just about barriers: despite the many rules, there are ample opportunities to think creatively in your campaigns.

We work with real-life cases to make learnings directly applicable in your daily tasks.

Other course participants say

"The course was remarkably relevant. Very skilled and inspiring presenters - high level of knowledge!"

Vibeke Søndergaard, Compliance Manager, Effector A/S

"If you work with pre-launch products this course gives you a detailed overview of the rules and what to pay attention to."

Jesper Kildehøj, Senior Medical Advisor, Daiichi Sankyo Nordics

"Great lecturer and relevant discussion questions, which were given plenty of time for discussion. Lots of good input from the other participants."

Annette Nørgaard, Key Account Manager, Recordati AB


  • Rx Pre-launch and Post launch
  • Marketing compliance
  • HCP interaction
  • Disease and treatment awareness

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Course leader & lecturers

  • Elisabeth Gammelgaard Ludvig
    Course leader
  • Louise Bertelsen Forman
    Course leader
    Partner, Attorney-at-law
    Loeven Advokatfirma
  • Michael Lund Nørgaard
    Partner, advokat
    Loeven Advokatfirma
  • Christian Marquard Svane
    Senior Director
    LEO Pharma A/S
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Is this course for you?

The course is for you who communicate with HCPs and/or patients as part of your responsibilities. You might work as a Medical Affairs Manager, Medical Scientific Liason (MSL), Key Account Manager, Commercial Manager, Market Access Manager, or Patient Engagement Manager.

What you will learn

  1. Through cases you get a handle on how to collaborate and communicate within legal and ethical guidelines with important external stakeholders such as HCPs, patients’ associations, and patients before and after the launch of a prescription medicinal product.
  2. The effect of rules for working with HCPs, such as KOL (Key Opinion Leader) mapping, advisory boards, Investigator Initiated Trials (IITs), market research, conference work, and continued education.
  3. ENLI's code for collaboration with individual patients and patients’ associations on disease awareness, clinical research, pipeline, patient advocacy, and use of SoMe in connection with launches.

    What your company will get

    1. An employee who can collaborate with HCPs, patients’ associations, and patients in a compliant manner.
    2. An employee who can communicate effectively within legislation as well as the agreed association and ethical rules for the industry.
    3. An employee who knows the do's and don'ts of working with external stakeholders before and after the launch of a prescription medicinal product.

    Course calendar

    20 May 2025 9:00-16:00
    • Compliance before and after launch in collaboration and dialogue with HCPs.
    • Practical example: this is how a pharma company works with compliance in their dialogue and collaboration with HCPs.
    • Case work on collaborative projects with patients’ associations and individual patients, e.g.:
      • Focus groups
      • Market research
      • Events
      • Lectures
      • Information material
      • Patient cases
      • Influencer collaboration
      • Own or 3rd party SoMe efforts
      • "Fair market value" for remuneration of patients
      Practical information


      Registration deadline
      6 May 2025
      Lersø Parkallé 101
      2100 København Ø
      20 May
      Sometimes things change. This is the expected programme.

      Course information


      Prior to the course you get access to mandatory and/or optional readings via your personal Atrium log-in.


      If you are not familiar with the Danish marketing compliance rules and guidelines, we strongly encourage you to purchase and complete “E-learning: The Danish pharmaceutical Industry’s Promotional Code” BEFORE attending the course. The e-learning provides you with basic knowledge about the key rules and standards regulating communication and interactions with HCPs, patients, and decision-makers regarding pharmaceutical products in a Danish context.


      There is no examination for this course.

      This course is an elective course for the Diploma in Marketing Compliance.

      This course is a part of a diploma

      Diploma in Marketing Compliance

      Through the Diploma in Marketing Compliance, you will get an in-depth understanding of the rules and regulations set by both the authorities and the pharmaceutical industry in Denmark and Europe, making you sharper and more effective in your daily work

      Read more

      Course leaders

      Elisabeth Gammelgaard Ludvig
      Louise Bertelsen Forman
      Partner, Attorney-at-law
      Loeven Advokatfirma


      Michael Lund Nørgaard
      Partner, advokat
      Loeven Advokatfirma
      Louise Bertelsen Forman
      Partner, Attorney-at-law
      Loeven Advokatfirma
      Elisabeth Gammelgaard Ludvig
      Christian Marquard Svane
      Senior Director
      LEO Pharma A/S

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      Want to know more or need help?

      Contact Client Manager Ida Salicath at +45 39 15 09 46

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