Legal Horizon Scanning Network

Join a network for experienced legal experts in Life Science

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9,800 DKK ex VAT

(app. 1,318 EUR ex VAT)



As a lawyer or legal professional in the life science industry, you need to be aware of legislation and industry standards in a wide range of areas, including areas outside your immediate expertise.

The purpose of this network is to create a smaller forum that can provide you with an overview and knowledge of current and future topics of high relevance to the sector, as well as the opportunity to discuss and exchange perspectives with your peers in a safe space.

A common theme in the network is legal horizon scanning, which focuses on what will affect the life science industry, including legal departments, in the next 1-3 years.

Examples of relevant legislative initiatives that can be discussed in the network include:

  • The ongoing reform of pharmaceutical legislation in EU
  • EU AI Act
  • Cyber security
  • ESG directives and legislation
  • Green claims directive.

Expectations to you:

  • Pre work when recommended

  • Actively contribute to relevant knowledge and best practice sharing

  • Be open minded

      In addition, it will be possible to include more familiar topics such as the following on the agenda:

      • Market Access activities
      • Sanctions and export controls – (overview of the regulatory framework)
      • Selected issues in clinical trials
      • Barriers to access to Real World Data (RWD)
      • Information and advertising on social media
      • Contracts, e.g. competition law, value chain ESG requirements, IP, trade secrets and GDPR)
      • Compliance
      • International congresses

      What does the network include?

      • Inspirational speeches and discussions on issues and trends prioritized by and of importance to the participants

      • The structure of each session consists of 1-2 inspirational speeches from subject matters experts followed by best practice sharing and dilemma discussions

      • Informal networking with peers with the purpose to strengthen relations between the participants


      • Professional sparring
      • Legal expertise
      • General counsel
      • Trend spotting
      • Legal horizon scanning

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      Network leader & lecturers

      • Louise Bertelsen Forman
        Course leader
        Partner, Attorney-at-law
        Loeven Advokatfirma
      • Jacob Ørndrup
        Course leader
        Partner, Attorney-at-law
        Loeven Advokatfirma
      • Christian Marquard Svane
        Course leader
        Senior Director
        LEO Pharma A/S
      • Uffe Mark Hansen
        Course leader
        Head of Legal, Country Manager Iceland
        Novartis Healthcare A/S
      See all

      Is this network for you?

      This network is for you, who are a senior legal adviser or Head of Legal in a pharmaceutical, Biotech or medical device company or external legal consulting company with a minimum of 5 years’ experience in Life Science.

      What you will learn

      1. Legal horizon scanning
      2. Opportunity to discuss future legal issues and the role of the legal expert.
      3. Opportunity to exchange views and discuss legal issues in an open dialogue in a confidential space.
      4. Further develop and get your professional competences challenged.
      5. Develop your professional network.

      What your company will get

      1. Legal horizon scanning
      2. An employee who is on top of new legislation in DK, EU and beyond
      3. An employee who gets a platform to strengthen his/her relationships with peers across the industry.
      4. An employee, who is able to identify and mitigate 'red flags' topics and prepare management and the legal department on the future.
      5. An employee who gets the opportunity to benchmark legal activities

      Course information


      To ensure that you get the most out of joining the network, we assess admission on an individual basis.

      Minimum requirement is 5 years experience in a legal role in the life science industry. 

      After you have signed up via the Atrium registration site, we ask you to forward your CV to Client Manager: Ida Salicath, This will be used in the assessment process

      We strive to ensure that the network meetings can be approved as continuing education credits by the Danish Bar and Law Society. This will be decided from meeting to meeting depending on the content of the meetings.

      Course leaders

      Louise Bertelsen Forman
      Partner, Attorney-at-law
      Loeven Advokatfirma
      Jacob Ørndrup
      Partner, Attorney-at-law
      Loeven Advokatfirma
      Christian Marquard Svane
      Senior Director
      LEO Pharma A/S
      Uffe Mark Hansen
      Head of Legal, Country Manager Iceland
      Novartis Healthcare A/S

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      Want to know more or need help?

      Contact Contact Client Manager Ida Salicath at +45 39 15 09 46

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