Pharma Advertising and Interaction (Advanced)

Improve your knowledge of pharmaceutical advertising aimed at health care professionals

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13 May 2025

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6,700 DKK ex VAT

(app. 901 EUR ex VAT)



This one day course will help you deepen and update your knowledge of the rules for pharmaceutical advertising and other communication measures and activities aimed at health care professionals. During the course we will discuss current topics handled by the Ethical Committee for the Pharmaceutical Industry (ENLI) as well as recent rulings and complex compliance cases in the pharmaceutical industry as a whole.

This advanced course is designed to help you better handle the compliance challenges you face in your job. Therefore, you can help shape the agenda by sending us your specific questions or topics upon registering for this course. Our lecturers will do their utmost to incorporate your wishes into the course.  

As this is an advanced course, it is expected that you have prior knowledge of ENLI and ENLI’s advertising code. It is also expected that you have completed the courses Pharma advertising and information (basic) and Pharma Interaction.

Other course participants say

"Very relevant topics presented competent lecturers and ENLI - straight from the horse's mouth. It could not have been any better."

Anna Schönwandt, Senior Regulatory Affaris Manager, M. Sc. (Pharm), Sanofi

"The presentations were clear and useful. It's a relevant course for people working with market ethics."

Christina Dyg, Market Ethics manager, AstraZeneca A/S

"The course covered the topics in depth and the discussions were engaging. It's great to attend an Atrium course, as always."

Ina Berger, Medical Operations Specialist Nordics, UCB Nordic A/S


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  • The boundary between advertising and information
  • Pharmaceutical advertisements
  • Conferences, training and seminars for health care professionals
  • Meetings and communication with health care professionals 

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Course leader & lecturers

  • Rikke Bækgaard Thomassen
    Course leader

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Is this course for you?

Need to get up to speed on the latest ENLI decisions, or need advice on issues you face in your organisation?

This course is particularly relevant if you work in marketing, sales and/or compliance. The course is also beneficial, if you work at a communication/advertising agency or legal firm providing consulting services to the pharmaceutical industry.

What you will learn 

  1. The ethical trends in the pharmaceutical industry
  2. In-depth understanding of the reasoning behind the decisions made by the Ethical Committee for the Pharmaceutical Industry (ENLI)
  3. How to best solve the ethical challenges you face in your job in compliance with ENLI’s guidelines

    What your company will get 

    1. An employee who is up to speed on the latest laws and rules on pharmaceutical promotion and communication aimed at health care professionals
    2. An employee who truly understands how the laws and rules are to be interpreted and who can offer colleagues in marketing, sales, medical etc. guidance and advice
    3. An employee who can provide concrete input to solving the company’s challenges in relation to marketing compliance

      Course calendar

      13 May 2025 9:00-16:00
      Day 1

      • Clarification of rules and practices regarding the concept of advertising and financial benefits, including professional events, etc.
      • Elaboration of rules and practice regarding advertising material aimed at healthcare professionals
      • Recent decisions and current topics: advertising of medicines to and interaction with healthcare professionals

      Practical information


      Registration deadline
      6 May 2025
      Lersø Parkallé 101
      2100 København Ø
      13 May
      Please note: The programme structure may be subject to minor adjustments

      Course information


      Prior to the course you will get access to mandatory and optional readings via your personal Atrium log-in.

      Please familiarize yourself with the mandatory readings before starting the course.

      Prior to starting the course, please familiarize yourself with The Pharmaceutical Industry’s Code of Practice on Promotion, etc., of Medicinal Products aimed at Healthcare Professionals


      As this is an advanced course, it is expected that you have prior knowledge of ENLI and ENLI’s advertising code. It is also expected that you have completed the courses Pharma advertising and information (basic) and Pharma Interaction.


      There is no exam for this course.

      This course is a part of a diploma

      Diploma in Marketing Compliance

      Through the Diploma in Marketing Compliance, you will get an in-depth understanding of the rules and regulations set by both the authorities and the pharmaceutical industry in Denmark and Europe, making you sharper and more effective in your daily work

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      Course leader

      Rikke Bækgaard Thomassen

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      Want to know more or need help?

      Contact Client Manager Ida Salicath at +45 39 15 09 46

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